
Minecraft Skript: Custom Mobs


Yeni Üye
    ork: true
    ölümgetiren: true
    iblis: true
    göz: true
    ozbüyücüsü: true
    çomak: true
    sualtıbüyücüsü: true
    yeraltıçağırıcısı: true
    şaman: true
    ghast: true
    shulker: true

on spawn of a zombie:
    if {@ork} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 5%:
                cancel event
            biome at zombie is swamp
            chance of 25%:
                cancel event

on spawn a zombie:
    if {@ölümgetiren} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 10%:
                cancel event

on spawn a zombie pigman:
    if {@ölümgetiren} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 17%:
                cancel event

on spawn a zombie:
    if {@iblis} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 2%:
                cancel event

on spawn a zombie pigman:
    if {@iblis} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 29%:
                cancel event

on spawn a spider:
    if {@göz} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 7%:
                cancel event
                loop 5 times:

on spawn a witch:
    if {@ozbüyücüsü} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 9%:
                cancel event
                loop 7 times:

on spawn a spider:
    if {@çomak} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 1%:
                cancel event
            biome at spider is dark forest
            chance of 19%:

on spawn a squid:
    if {@sualtıbüyücüsü} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 39%:
                cancel event

on spawn a blaze:
    if {@yeraltıçağırıcısı} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 20%:
                cancel event

on spawn a enderman:
    if {@şaman} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 1%:
            biome at enderman is the end
            chance of 42%:

on spawn a enderman:
    if {@shulker} is true:
        if "%spawn reason%" isn't "mob spawner" or "spawn egg":
            chance of 3%:
            biome at enderman is the end
            chance of 25%:

function spawn_ork(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2QyNWU1MDA4YTNhMWRmYjRmODMwNDVjNDkxOWQ4MmQxOGU5N2EwODU3ZjUwNDE4YzZkODZjNjNkNjgifX19=="
    set {_skullork} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_skullork} to 3
    spawn a husk at {_loc}
    set helmet of last spawned husk to {_skullork}
    apply resistance 3 to the last spawned husk for 9999 minutes
    apply strength 5 to the last spawned husk for 9999 minutes
    set chestplate of the last spawned husk to leather chestplate with name "&aOrk Üstlüğü"
    dye the last spawned husk's chestplate green
    set leggings of the last spawned husk to leather leggings with name "&aOrk Altlığı"
    dye the last spawned husk's leggings green
    set boots of the last spawned husk to leather boots with name "&aOrk Ayakkabıları"
    dye the last spawned husk's boots green
    set display name of last spawned husk to "Yarım Akıllı Ork"

function spawn_ölümgetiren(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmE5OWQ5ZWU2NTEzYWE4OGEzYzQ1NmFiYTJiZDFlMTdkMTM0NDQ4ZmQxMTc3NWJkMWQ1NWVmNjlhYTc3ZDIzMCJ9fX0===="
    set {_skullölümgetiren} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_skullölümgetiren} to 3
    spawn a wither skeleton at {_loc}
    apply invisibility 1 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 9999 minutes
    apply strength 1 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 9999 minutes
    apply jump boost 2 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 9999 minutes
    apply swiftness 2 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 9999 minutes
    set tool of last spawned wither skeleton to wooden hoe with name "&8Ölüm Getiren Tırpanı"
    set helmet of last spawned wither skeleton to {_skullölümgetiren}
    set chestplate of last spawned wither skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&8Ölüm Getiren Üstlüğü"
    dye chestplate of last spawned wither skeleton (82, 64, 135)
    delete leggings of last spawned wither skeleton
    delete boots of last spawned wither skeleton
    set display name of last spawned wither skeleton to "Ölüm Getiren"

function spawn_iblis(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTFhYjRjZGFmNWIzNGZmZjEzODdjOWE2MzA4NzYyMTU4MmZlNzNiZGEyYTgzNmI2OGM1Y2ZmYzlhYTRmYzMifX19===="
    set {_skulliblis} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_skulliblis} to 3
    spawn a wither skeleton at {_loc}
    set display name of the last spawned wither skeleton to "İblis"
    apply resistance 3 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 9999 minutes
    apply strength 4 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 9999 minutes
    apply health boost 2 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 9999 minutes
    apply swiftness 2 to the last spawned wither skeleton for 99 day
    set tool of last spawned wither skeleton to diamond axe
    set helmet of last spawned wither skeleton to {_skulliblis}
    set chestplate of last spawned wither skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&cİblis Üstlüğü"
    dye last spawned wither skeleton's chestplate (73, 3, 0)
    set leggings of last spawned wither skeleton to leather leggings with name "&cİblis Altlığı"
    dye last spawned wither skeleton's leggings (140, 5, 0)
    set boots of last spawned wither skeleton to leather boots with name "&cİblis Ayakkabıları"
    dye last spawned wither skeleton's boots (73, 3, 0)

function spawn_göz(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDQyY2Y4Y2U0ODdiNzhmYTIwM2Q1NmNmMDE0OTE0MzRiNGMzM2U1ZDIzNjgwMmM2ZDY5MTQ2YTUxNDM1YjAzZCJ9fX0===="
    set {_skullgoz} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_skullgoz} to 3
    spawn a vex at {_loc}
    set {_vex} to last spawned vex
    apply invisibility 1 to the last spawned vex for 9999 minutes
    apply weakness 99 to the last spawned vex for 9999 minutes
    set last spawned vex's tool to stone button
    spawn a baby zombie at {_loc}
    apply slowness 2 to the last spawned baby zombie for 9999 minutes
    apply invisibility 1 to the last spawned zombie for 9999 minutes
    set helmet of the last spawned zombie to {_skullgoz}
    delete chestplate of last spawned zombie
    delete leggings of last spawned zombie
    delete boots of last spawned zombie
    make the last spawned zombie ride {_vex}

function spawn_ozbüyücüsü(loc: location):
    spawn a bat at {_loc}
    set {_bat} to last spawned bat
    spawn a witch at {_loc}
    set name of the witch to "Oz Büyücüsü"
    apply invisibility 1 to {_bat} for 9999 minutes
    make the last spawned witch ride {_bat}
    set display name of the last spawned witch to "Oz Büyücüsü"

function spawn_çomak(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjU4ZmM0Njk0ZDRjMjJhMTgxZjJhMDNhOTlmYjY4NjZhODVlZGMyMTY4ZjMwYjI4YjFjMWQwMmRmZmNmZWNlOCJ9fX0====="
    set {_skullçomak} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_skullçomak} to 3
    spawn a husk at {_loc}
    set helmet of last spawned husk to {_skullçomak}
    apply resistance 3 to the last spawned husk for 9999 minutes
    apply strength 4 to the last spawned husk for 9999 minutes
    apply health boost 5 to the last spawned husk for 9999 minutes
    set chestplate of the last spawned husk to leather chestplate with name "&7Çomak Üstlüğü"
    dye last spawned husk's chestplate (26, 13, 0)
    set leggings of the last spawned husk to leather leggings with name "&7Çomak Altlığı"
    dye last spawned husk's leggings (26, 13, 0)
    set boots of the last spawned husk to leather boots with name "&7Çomak Ayakkabıları"
    dye last spawned husk's boots (26, 13, 0)
    set display name of last spawned husk to "Çomak"

function spawn_sualtıbüyücüsü(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTcxYWJjNjU1ZThmOWEyZDAwNDNiN2IwY2U4OGQ5YzRlNjllYzkwZDVlNmNiYmExNTVhNDY0Y2U0NTRmMDUyOSJ9fX0======"
    set {_skullsuadam} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_skullsuadam} to 3
    spawn a guardian at {_loc}
    set {_guardian} to last spawned guardian
    spawn a baby zombie at {_loc}
    set chestplate of the last spawned baby zombie to leather chestplate with name "&bSualtı Büyücüsü Üstlüğü"
    dye last spawned baby zombie's chestplate (153, 204, 255)
    set leggings of the last spawned baby zombie to leather leggings with name "&bSualtı Büyücüsü Altlığı"
    dye last spawned baby zombie's leggings (153, 204, 255)
    set boots of the last spawned baby zombie to leather boots with name "&bSualtı Büyücüsü Ayakkabıları"
    dye last spawned baby zombie's boots (153, 204, 255)
    set helmet of last spawned baby zombie to {_skullsuadam}
    set tool of last spawned baby zombie to water bottle
    make the last spawned baby zombie ride {_guardian}
    set display name of the last spawned baby zombie to "Sualtı Büyücüsü"
    apply water breathing 4 to last spawned baby zombie for 9999 minutes

function spawn_yeraltıçağırıcısı(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzJmZThiYTcxMjllZWNjMmUwMzVjYjAzMjQ5ZjBjMWYzYzA1NTAxMWY1M2Y3ZDRkOGRkYTM3MjdjNzQzYjFmMyJ9fX0======="
    set {_blazeadam} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_blazeadam} to 3
    spawn a blaze at {_loc}
    ignite the last spawned blaze for 9999 minutes
    set {_blaze} to last spawned blaze
    apply invisibility to last spawned blaze for 9999 minutes
    spawn a skeleton at {_loc}
    set tool of last spawned skeleton to fire charge
    set chestplate of the last spawned skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&cYeraltı Çağırıcısı Büyücüsü Üstlüğü"
    dye last spawned skeleton's chestplate (132, 0, 0)
    set leggings of the last spawned skeleton to leather leggings with name "&cYeraltı Çağırıcısı Altlığı"
    dye last spawned skeleton's leggings (132, 0, 0)
    set boots of the last spawned skeleton to leather boots with name "&cYeraltı Çağırıcısı Ayakkabıları"
    dye last spawned skeleton's boots (132, 0, 0)
    set helmet of last spawned skeleton to {_blazeadam}
    make the last spawned skeleton ride {_blaze}
    set display name of the last spawned skeleton to "Yeraltı Çağırıcısı"

function spawn_şaman(loc: location):
    set {_value} to "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTQ3OWNkMzI5N2M5NTliNDMxMTA0OWE1YmFkMDFlODk1ZGY1MzNlYjlkOGIyOTM1M2Y0M2MxM2UyYWZkMjQzIn19fQ========="
    set {_karı} to skull from skin with value {_value} signature ""
    set data value of {_karı} to 3
    spawn a wither skeleton at {_loc}
    set chestplate of the last spawned wither skeleton to leather chestplate with name "&5Şaman Üstlüğü"
    dye last spawned wither skeleton's chestplate (252, 73, 216)
    set leggings of the last spawned wither skeleton to leather leggings with name "&5Şaman Altlığı"
    dye last spawned wither skeleton's leggings (252, 73, 216)
    set boots of the last spawned wither skeleton to leather boots with name "&5Şaman Ayakkabıları"
    dye last spawned wither skeleton's boots (252, 73, 216)
    set helmet of last spawned wither skeleton to {_karı}
    set tool of the last spawned wither skeleton to wither skull
    set display name of the last spawned wither skeleton to "Şaman"
    set max health of last spawned wither skeleton to 15

function spawn_ghast(loc: location):
    spawn a ghast at {_loc}
    set display name of last spawned ghast to "Boyutsal Ghast"

function spawn_shulker(loc: location):
    spawn a phantom at {_loc}
    set {_phantom} to last spawned phantom
    apply invisibility to {_phantom} for 9999 minutes
    apply fire resistance to {_phantom} for 9999 minutes
    apply swiftness 3 to {_phantom} for 9999 minutes
    spawn a shulker at {_loc}
    make last spawned shulker ride {_phantom}

on entity target:
    event-entity is a baby zombie:
        vehicle of event-entity is a guardian:
            show 45 "magicCrit" particles at location of event-entity for target offset by 1, 1, 1
            push target (direction from target to location of event-entity) at speed 3
            apply nausea 5 to target for 9 second
            event-entity is a witch:
    if event-entity is riding a bat:
        teleport target to event-entity
        event-entity is a skeleton:
    target is a blaze:
        cancel event
    event-entity is a wither skeleton:
        name of event-entity is "Cadıcık":
            target is a player:
                apply slowness 100 to event-entity for 50 seconds
                apply jump boost -100 to event-entity for 50 seconds
                loop 12 times:
                    loop all players in radius 25 around the event-entity:
                if loop-player is target:
                    shoot a wither skull from event-entity at speed 0.80
                    wait 2 second
                    chance of 25%:
                        teleport event-entity to target
                        apply blindness 2 to target for 15 second

on shoot:
    if projectile is small fireball:
        if shooter is a blaze:
    if passenger of shooter is a skeleton:
        cancel event
        shoot a fireball from passenger of shooter at speed 1

on damage:
    attacker is a skeleton:
        victim is a player:
            attacker is riding a blaze:
            ignite the victim for 5 second
            spawn a magma cube at victim's location
            set slime size of last spawned magma cube to 1
            wait 2 second
            create an explosion of force 1 at the last spawned magma cube
    victim is a magma cube:
        damage cause is entity explosion or large fireball:
            cancel event
    if victim is a wither skeleton:
        damage cause is wither skull or fall or entity explosion:
        cancel event
    attacker is a ghast:
        world of attacker is "world_the_end":
            apply levitation 2 to victim for 12 second
            victim is a phantom:
    passenger of victim is a shulker:
        attacker is a shulker:
            cancel event
on death:
    victim is a guardian:
        loop all entities in radius 1 around the victim:
            if loop-entity is a baby zombie or guardian or squid:
            kill loop-entity
    victim is a squid:
        loop all entities in radius 1 around the victim:
            if loop-entity is a guardian:
                kill loop-entity
    victim is a bat or witch:
        loop all entities in radius 1 around the victim:
            if loop-entity is a bat or a witch:
            kill loop-entity
    victim is a skeleton:
        loop all entities in radius 1 around the victim:
            if loop-entity is a blaze:
                delete loop-entity
    victim is a blaze:
        loop all entities in radius 1 around the victim:
            if loop-entity is a skeleton:
                delete loop-entity
on dismount:
    if event-entity isn't a player:
        if event-entity's vehicle is alive:
            cancel event

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